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Saturday, May 22, 2010

Some Old Friends of Mine

I've known them since my days at Tuskegee University, back then they went to Morehouse, and we met through a college christian ministry called Campus Outreach. They would have retreats in both Georgia and Alabama, and students from different schools would be there. And so that's how we met. Sometimes we would drive to ATL to see them, which was about a 90 minute drive from T.U. on Interstate 85. They are good peoples, and they make positive music/hiphop/rap. It's been 5 years since I last saw them in person (in Atlanta), but they seem to be doing well. This video is off their new album that just came out last March. They are awesome, and their music is too.

The Remnant: (Know This)

I've known Sho since my sophmore year at Tuskegee University. Back then we use to argue alot, but he's real cool peoples! He was really involved with Campus Outreach back in those days. I never was really a part of it. I just went to the Bible studies, ate the food, and went on most of the small retreats. But he was actually discipled through it. He also found his future wife through the outreach. He later moved to Texas where he finished school and where his older brother was, and recently he just moved to Atlanta to help plant a church. I haven't seen him in person in ages...well years, but I still see him online, but you know, it's not the same. But this video below is off his new album that just dropped last March as well. The Album is called Lions and Liars.

Sho Baraka: (We can be more)

Believin Stephen and Me at the HolyCultureRadio EastCoast gathering back in like 2005. And yes, I had a gotee back then.
Tagged Photos  Believin Stephen  jnorm

I don't know lil Steve all that well, but he's from Pittsburgh, and he's cool peoples. He lived in Philly for alot of years, but recently returned back to the Burgh:

Most of the other christian rappers I mostly know from being online or just meeting them at certain events, but I don't really know them know them.

Inlove Jnorm


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