Saint Moses the Black

Saint Moses the Black
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Thursday, June 16, 2011
The Journy of Dr. Joseph Black
The Link:
To read the rest please visit Onesimus Online
"Back in January, I was baptized and chrismated into membership of the Orthodox Church in Kenya. Much of my life seems like a blur ever since. Prior to that, I tried to make sense of what was happening to me and why I was moving in that direction by writing out a narrative of that process. But since then, I've not had the chance to be very reflective. It's been enough just to live, and try and hang on.
A Presbyterian Church in Yorktown, VA, one of our supporting congregations, asked me to speak yesterday on 'My Journey to Orthodoxy' Many people there receive our prayer letters and were genuinely interested in what the Orthodox Church is all about and why I, as a Presbyterian minister, would be willing to lay all that down to become an Orthodox Christian. This forced me to slow down and think again about some of the reasons why I've taken these steps.
I am very much in process. There will be some on the Protestant Evangelical/Presbyterian side who may take offense at some things I say, just as there will undoubtedly be some who are further down the Orthodox path who will see shortcomings in my understanding and practice. Guilty as charged, I am sure. So I start by asking your forgiveness for my shortcomings, and for a willingness to help when I have obviously fallen short.
In the meantime, what follows is the talk I gave last night to about 100 very interested and attentive Presbyterians. Their feedback afterwards was very encouraging. I'm grateful they gave me this opportunity.
To read the rest please visit Onesimus Online

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