Saint Moses the Black

Saint Moses the Black
Ecumenical Councils
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This is from the podcast The Illumined Heart . As seen from the website : "Dr. Mary Ward (PhD.), a life-long member of the Roman Cathol...
This is taken from the GOA website in the section called "Holy Cross Live Series". Speakers: Rev. Nicholas Kastanas & Rev. Co...
I only saw "hate and anger" on one side. And it wasn't from the old christian lady!!! JNORM888
This was done by T. Allen over at A Catechumens Tale blogspot. "In a previous post I had mentioned the ill-conceived accusation that ...
This is taken from the GOA website from the section called "Holy Cross Live series". As seen from the webpage : "The Holy Cr...
As seen from the website : "Learn about a new initiative from His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP to start two new women's monsteries ...
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Saint John the Theologian

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Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Will Everyone Eventually Be Saved (Universalism)?
Perry Robinson will talk about this issue with Kevin Allen on February 10th at 8pm (EST) on Ancient Faith Today.
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Don't miss it!
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Next years conference
Might be next year in October in Kansas City! For more information please check these websites:
The Brotherhood of Saint Moses The Black
As well as
St. Mary of Egypt Orthodox Church
A change in direction
A change in direction and name of the blog.
The focus is going to be more personal, devotional, and historical. The Apologetics will strictly be for the other blog.
There are things about Evangelism, Prayer, Fasting, personal issues and struggles, Vespers, Orthros, and the Divine Liturgy I would like to talk about. As well as a host of other things.
Friday, September 14, 2012
Weekend Hunger
Please help those in your area around you. Sometimes the only meal that some kids get are breakfast and lunch at school. Thus when they get home they really don't have much to eat, and during the weekend is when they really struggle, and so get involved in your local community. Find out what's going on and do something about it.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
The Great Doxology
I don't understand why this is so hard for me to detect in the service! I keep making mistakes at this point!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
The Fruits of the Holy Spirit: Ancient Christianity and Modern Evangelism
The location of our 2012 Annual Conference is set for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
At the Antiochian Village Conference and Retreat Center
140 Church Camp Trail, Bolivar, PA 15923
Where: Bolivar,, PA
When: May 25-27, 2012
How: Conference/dues $100 + dues and Lodging
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Ecumenical Councils: An MP3 list
An introduction by Dn Michael Hyatt
The Ecumenical Councils - Part 1
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If pop up link up above doesn't work then click here (Play Audio)
The Ecumenical Councils - Part 2
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A Church of Councils (Rev. Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos)
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(The Nicene Creed came about from two Church councils......Nicea and Constantinople 1)
The Council of Nicaea - 1: (Dn. Michael Hyatt)
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The Council of Nicaea - 2: (Dn. Michael Hyatt)
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The Filioque (Fr. Thomas Hopko)
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Post Nicaea: (Dn. Michael Hyatt)
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Constantinople - 1: (Dn. Michael Hyatt)
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Ephesus (Dn Michael Hyatt)
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Chalcedon (Dn Michael Hyatt)
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Constantinople 2 (Dn Michael Hyatt)
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Constantinople 3 (Dn Michael Hyatt)
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The Seventh Ecumenical Council (Dn Michael Hyatt)
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Ecumenical Councils 1-7
This is by Dr. Jeffrey Macdonald (from his website Ecumenical Council-Nicea 325 AD
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2nd Ecumenical Council-Constantinople 381 AD
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3rd Ecumenical Council-431 AD
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4th Ecumenical Council-450 AD
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5th Ecumenical Council-553 AD
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6th Ecumenical Council-681 AD
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Iconoclasm and 7th Ecumenical Council 787 AD Part 1
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Iconoclasm and 7th Ecumenical Council 787 AD Part 2
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Some of the Canons by Fr. Thomas Hopko:
4th Century canons
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Other 4th century canons
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3rd Ecumenical council canons
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4th Ecumenical council canons
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Quinisext Canons Part 1
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Part 2
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Part 3
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For the other 4 to 5 more parts please go to his podcast.
7th Ecumenical council canons
Play Audio
To listen to the other parts go to his website.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Great blog articles at Orthodox Bridge and Classical
Response to Theodore – Semi-Pelagianism, Sola Fide, and Theosis
March for Life & Great Tradition
Contra Sola Scriptura (1 of 4): Book Review: The Shape of Sola Scriptura by Keith A. Mathison
Contra Sola Scriptura (2 of 4): If Not Sola Scriptura, Then What? The Biblical Basis For Holy Tradition
Contra Sola Scriptura (3 of 4): Where Does Sola Scriptura Come From? The Humanist Origins of the Protestant Reformation
Contra Sola Scriptura (4 of 4): Protestantism’s Fatal Genetic Flaw: Sola Scriptura and Protestantism’s Hermeneutical Chaos
Calvin Vs. the Icon: Was John Calvin Wrong?
New Apostles or Old Heresy? An Orthodox Perspective on the New Apostolic Reformation
From Classical
What is Pure Prayer? St. John of Kronstadt on Worldliness/Consumerism
On Almsgiving Saint John of Kronstadt on Theosis/Deification
Building The New City: St. Basil’s Social Vision
St. John Chrysostom on Abortion and Birth Control
Heresy as Intellectual Temptation
Eastern Orthodox View of Calvinism
On Irresistible Grace and Synergy
On Limited Atonement

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Why Not Use Ancient Rites?5 years ago
The Four Horsemen of Palamism2 years ago
It’s Time to Say Goodbye2 years ago
Orthodox Life14 years ago
Christmas 20241 month ago
The end of Pious Fabrications10 years ago
Bending Toward Bethlehem1 year ago
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Restoration of The Son8 years ago
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My Sister's New Blog13 years ago
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Denah Rumah Type 36 Luas Tanah 726 years ago
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Do Not Disavow9 months ago
This Blog Has Moved!!!10 years ago
Is Peter the Rock of the Church?15 years ago